Thursday, February 22, 2018

One Town; One Year; Three Siblings?

A few weeks ago I wrote briefly about my Step-mom's great grandfather, James Walter Moore, here. James who seems to have gone by Walter, was born during that tricky time frame that will sometimes leave a person disconnected from their parents in your typical records; the early 1880's. Due the the missing 1890 census several individuals born in the early 80's will have grown up and married by the time the 1900 census rolls around. That is the case for Walter. According to his WW1 draft registration, he was born 09 Feb 1883.

According to all census records, he was born in the great state of Texas. I have never found any other Moores living next to Walter. So who were his parents? (I finally solved the mystery -- click here to find out.) At this point in time I still don't have an answer for that question but I do believe I have found two siblings.

James Walter Moore married Miss Mattie Dillahunty 03 June 1902 in Sebastian County, Arkansas. Below is their marriage license and I want  you to notice a couple things. 1) The town Walter is living in. 2) The name of the man who performed their marriage. 3) The date(s)

Walter Moore was from the town of Burnville. Their license is dated May 1902, though they weren't married for a full month later. They were married by N A Martin the local JP.

Since I was having such trouble finding any connections in the census records, I decided to try my hand and marriage records. Surely Walter wasn't an only child. So when I searched the Sebastian County Marriage records for anyone with the last name Moore that was living in Burnville, I got two hits.

1). Another Dillahunty/Moore marriage -- This one from Feb of the same year, between Mattie's older brother Henry Thomas Dillahunty and Miss Nettie Moore from Burnsville. Married again by Mr. N A Martin, JP.

If you go to the census records after their marriage you will see that Nettie was born in Texas as well, 18 Nov 1880. Her full name is Mary Annette Moore.

2) Next a Miss Susie Moore of Burnville marries Mr W. L. Martin in Aug of 1902. Census records indicate she was also born in Texas in they year 1886; W. L. is William Lester Martin the son of Noah A Martin, JP

In trying to find out more about the Moores I have scoured newspaper articles to no avail; only finding one article from 1904 about a scam involving feather beds and a salesman that swindled the town of Burnville, including N A Martin and Mattie and Henry's mother Mrs. Emily Dillahunty.

From there I have gone to land record maps, in hopes of finding a Moore family living in the Burnville area. I have created a picture with pushpins where related families land is located. It can be a bit difficult to see soto get a different perspective you can view this map of orginal land owners here. Keep in mind the names will not be the same for everyone. Mrs L (should have been an E) P Dillahunty on the pushpin map will be Adolphus (her husband) on the original map, for instance.

I have found one. One. W G Moore (Yellow pushpin) who acquired his land in April of 1890 but I have not found him in a census. There is also an Austin and Jeremiah Moore but their land is located in sections 33 & 34 closer to Milltown than Burnville

Red -- Mrs. Emily P Dillahunty -- Mattie and Henry's mother
Blue -- J B Williams -- Emily's brother
Green -- R F Cottingham -- Emily and J B's sister Mary's brother-in-law
Purple -- N A Martin (Noah Armstrong Martin) the Justice of Peace and father-in-law of Susie Moore

If anyone knows more information about the Moore siblings, I would love to hear it. Especially if you know who their parents were.

Until next time,

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