Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sew Terrific

I recently went to my mom's to gather pictures for the post I did on all the houses we grew up in and while I was there she dug out her old scrapbook. It's amazing to me the things you don't always know about your parents.

I knew she could sew. She made curtains and reupholstered a few cushions when I was growing up. she may have made my square dance dresses but I'm not sure. When she would get out her sewing machine do do these things I just figured the knowledge came from experience working at Levi's and La-Z-Boy. But as it turns out, she was a pretty good seamstress even in high school. She won a sewing competition her Junior or Sophomore year and placed second another time. Not only did she sew the items she's wearing, she also designed them.

Here are a few pictures from the newspaper articles she had in her scrapbook.

Until next time,

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