Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Grandma's House

We are finally moved out of our first house. We bought it in May/June of 2006 and officially close today, November 29, 2016. We lived there for 10 years. That house will hold a lot of special memories and thankfully due to social media and smart phones, most of them are well documented.

Today I posted a picture of my paternal Great Grandmother's dining room table full of guests. I asked if anyone knew more about the occasion and her house in general,  like who built it and when. My Great Aunt Bette commented with wonderful detail. Her parents were guests at that table.

"Bo or I took the photo on Thanksgiving 1966. The housebuilding was a family affair. It was built approx.1962-63.Willie Belle and Rufus tore down and salvaged lumber from Larence Phillip's old house. Charles (Nall) hauled framing lumber from Seymour,Tx. to get it started. Rufus and Bo handmixed cement for the footing Bo laid the blocks and did most of the work in building it (on weekends) as he worked fulltime at Safeway. Charles built the cabinets in a shop in Seymour and hauled them up. Bo installed them. I'm sure George helped hang sheetrock and did other jobs as he could Bo remembers when it was finished that the only bill was $600 at Jones Lumber."

In the photo: My great grandmother, Willie Belle, is standing, my great grandpa, Rufus, is seated at the head of the table, my great uncle Larry is seated with his back to camera, to his right is my great uncle George, and across the table are Mr. and Mrs. Brock (the in-laws of my great uncle Bo and parents of Bette.)

 Charles was my grandfather,  the eldest son of Rufus and Willie Belle. For more about this family's transition from Texas to Arkansas  (where this house was built) check out my earlier post The Big Move. 


  1. You're writing again! YESSSS!! Good post. Appropriate for the holidays and a lovely house-building story.

  2. Thanks. I'm hurting quite a bit today and needed something to occupy my down time. I would like to add a link to another post about this family during this same time frame but I'm using my phone and it's not quite as user friendly with this site. Don't look for many more until we get settled with real Internet and I get my computer back. The girls are using it at your mom's currently.
