Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Mattie Teel - Another Look

There are a handful of ancestors that leave me with more questions than answers. My 3rd great grandmother, Mattie Teel, is one of them. I have written about her here, and here.

Mac and Mattie Hughes
I mentioned in my previous post that I believe Mattie was living in Cordell, Washita, Oklahoma in 1910. In a desperate attempt to find more information I began searching for more newspaper articles about Mattie from The Gateway To Oklahoma History in the Cordell area.

I found this snippet from January 1904

Mattie's son John Calvin Jones was known to be living in Mobeetie, Texas, about 20 miles from Miami during this time. I don't think its a long shot to assume either the newspaper got the name wrong, or J C was indeed living in Miami, or Miami was a larger better known community than Mobeetie, so an approximate location was given.

I also found an interesting article dated June of that same year where it is said that MC Jones sent his wife away to Texas and struck up an affair with a married woman. His age of "sixty or more" is the same age my "Mac Hughes" should be.

The Cordell Weekly Beacon. (Cordell, Okla.), Vol. 7, No. 47, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 16, 1904

Upon the news of her husband's affair I found these two articles where charges for divorce were filed:

The State Republican. (Cordell, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 51, Ed. 1 Friday, February 1, 1907

The Herald-Sentinel. (Cordell, Okla.), Vol. 15, No. 28, Ed. 1 Saturday, February 2, 1907

The case files for their divorce are missing but you can find documentation for the missing file here: It gives their names as M H and M C Hughes. Another piece of the puzzle. A middle initial for Mattie.

In 1907 Mattie and M C Hughes would have been in their late 60's early 70's, which makes sense when the above article says "the rest of their allotted time".

And then on 14 May 1908, in Washita County, OK there is a marriage license for M. C. Hughes and Mrs. Mattie Hughes (she would've still had her previous married name). I believe they divorced and then remarried. 

If you can't read the above  Marriage Record it can be found by clicking the link that takes you to Family Search.
If you can't read the above  Marriage Record it can be found by clicking the link that takes you to Family Search.

Mattie died in 1919 and is buried in Truscot, Knox County, TX where her son and his family are buried. I am not sure if this M C Hughes is the same Anguish McAlester Hughes that was married to Permelia A. "Amelia" Parson but I believe it to be as their son Joe M Hughes can be found living in Roger Mills County, OK in 1900 the same time as my Mattie would have been in the next county over with "Mac" In 1920 M C Hughes is found living with his first wife Permelia in Navarro County, TX. He was not living with her in 1900 or 1910. During their separation, Permelia remarried to a Mr. Tickle.  Her obituary is below:

One last interesting article found while I was doing my research comes from July 1904 less than a month after Mac was accused sharing the affections of another man's wife in the hotel he owned. The Cordell Weekly Beacon. (Cordell, Okla.), Vol. 7, No. 52, Ed. 1 Thursday, July 21, 1904, newspaper

I do think I am on the right trail here. I do however wish I could find Mattie and her son, John Calvin in at least one census together. She was most likely pregnant during the 1860 census and she never shows up again until 1910 and he doesn't appear until 1900. I'll keep searching. If anyone happens across this and knows where I could find Mattie's will and or probate/estate records, I would appreciate you pointing me in that direction.
Until next time,

After posting this, I kept on searching for more information. I think I may have found one more piece to her puzzle.

Tax records place M.C. Hughes in Clay county during the 1880's. Birth records for a few of his children place J. C. Jones and his new family in Clay county in the 1880's. And there is a marriage record index for Martha Conkey and M. C. Hughes 19 Aug 1883 in Clay County. I believe this indicates that my Mattie Teel/Jones/Hughes was also married to someone with the last name of CONKEY. The only problem is I can't find a single record for anyone with the last name of Conkey in that area during that time. I'd really like to get a look at the actual record to see if there is any other information or if maybe the name Conkey was transcribed wrong.

Clay County, TX is right next to Cooke County, TX where J.C. and Leona Bass were married in 1881

Not only have I struggled to find census records for the Jones, Hughes, Conkey families during 1870 or 1880, I also cannot find census records for Leona Bass' family during those years either. Something tells me the census takers struggled in this area of TX and I.T.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Its been a little while, but here is another post from a letter I received. This one is from my maternal grandmother. I asked her about Grandpa's first car, their first jobs, and their first homes. Here was her response: